Fraction Calculator

Now you can Add Fractions, Subtract Fractions, Multiply Fractions, or Divide Fractions online. Find your answer in the simplest form with this Online Fraction Calculator.

First Fraction /
(+, -, x, ÷)
Second Fraction /

Add Fractions
Subtract Fractions
Multiply Fractions
Divide Fractions

To reduce a fraction to the simplest form, try our Simplify Fractions Calculator

How do you add fractions?

There are two cases regarding the denominators when we add ordinary fractions that are shown as follow in steps:

Adding fractions that have like denominators:

• Simply add the numerators of the fractions.
• The denominator of the resulting fraction will be the common denominator of the fractions.
• Reduce the resulting fraction.
For example: a/b + d/b = (a + d)/b
7/17 + 9/17 = (7 + 9)/17

Adding fractions with different denominators:

• If the denominators don’t match, Multiply the denominators together.
• Adjust your numerators (top numbers) accordingly. E.g. if you doubled the denominator, then double its numerator.
• Add together the numerators, and put this total over the common denominator.
• Simplify the fraction to the smallest possible denominator, with the numerators also reduced proportionately.
Example: a/b + c/d = (ad + cb)/bd
For adding the fractions 1/3 and 1/5,
1/3 + 1/5 = (1*5 + 1*3)/3*5 = 5+3/15 = 8/15
The sum 8/15 is already in its simplest form.

How do you subract fractions?

There are two cases regarding the denominators when we subtract ordinary fractions that are shown as follow with steps:

Subtracting fractions with like denominators:

• Simply subtract the numerators of the fractions.
• The denominator of the resulting fraction will be the common denominator of the fractions.
• Reduce the resulting fraction.
An example
• a/d - c/d = (a-c)/d
• 4/18 - 3/18 = ( 4 - 3)/18 = 1/18

Subtracting fractions with different denominators:

• If the denominators don’t match Multiply the denominators together.
• Adjust your numerators (top numbers) accordingly. E.g. if you doubled the denominator, then double its numerator.
• subtract the numerators, and put this total over the common denominator.
• Simplify the fraction to the smallest possible denominator, with the numerator also reduced proportionately.
a/b - c/d = (ad - cb)/bd
For subtracting the fractions 1/3 and 1/5,
1/3 - 1/5 = (1*5 - 1*3)/3*5 = 5-3/15 = 2/15
Example: For subtracting the fractions 10/15 and 1/5,
10/15 - 1/5 = (10*5 - 1*15)/15*5 = 50-15/75 = 35/75 = 7/15

How do you multiply fractions?

Multiplying fractions is fairly straightforward. Unlike adding and subtracting, it is not necessary to compute a common denominator in order to multiply fractions, multiplying fractions is shown as follow in steps:

• Simply, the numerators and denominators of each fraction are multiplied.
• The result forms a new numerator and denominator.
• If possible, the solution should be simplified. Refer to the equations below for clarification.
a/b × c/d = a*c / b*d
Example: Multiply the fractions 10/15 and 1/5.
10/15 × 1/5 =10/75
or =2/15
The answer 2/15 is already in its simplest form.

How do you divide fractions?

For dividing the fractions the steps are as follows:
• You first find the reciprocal of the second fraction.
• Then multiply both fractions to get the result.
For dividing the fraction a/b and c/d the reciprocal of c/d is d/c.
You then multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
a/b ÷ c/d =a/b x d/c = a*d / b*c
Example 2: For dividing the fractions 1/5 and 15/4.
1/5 ÷ 15/4 = 1/5 x 4/15 = 4/75
The answer is 4/75. This answer is already in its simplest form. Fraction Calculator