Online Calculator to Determine Lawn Mowing Time
Calculate the amount of time it will take the mow a lawn with this Lawn Mowing Time Calculator.
To find the find the time required to mow a yard use the following
S = Speed in Feet/Second
Cw = Cutting Width in Feet
(to convert inches to feet, divide the number of inches by 12 )
Area = Total lawn area to be mowed in square feet
( to convert square yards to square feet, multiply the number of square
yards by 9)
Cutting Efficiency = The effective amount of the cutting blade that is
actually cutting grass. The efficiency is a percentage, but should be
converted to decimal form for the equation. (75% = .75)
Lawn Mowing Time Example
Example: The estimated amount of time required to mow a yard that is
550 square yards in area with a lawn mower with a 42" cutting width, at
a speed of 1.5 feet/second and an estimated cutting efficiency of 75%:
S = 1.5 feet/second
Cw = 42/12 = 3.5 feet
Cutting Efficiency = 75% = in decimal form is .75
Total area to be mowed = 550 square yards = 4950 square feet
Time Required = 4950 / (3.5 x .75 x 1.5)
Time Required = 1257.14 seconds, or 20.95 minutes (divide amount of
seconds by 60)
(Rounded to the nearest 100th)