Wind Chill Calculator (Fahrenheit)

NWS Wind Chill calculator based on the current version updated in 2001. Calculate the wind chill in fahrenheit with this online calculator.

Temp (Fahrenheit):
Wind Speed (MPH):
Fill in the temperature (in Fahrenheit) and wind speed (in MPH) to calculate wind chill.

This calculation is meant for air temperatures lower than 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and wind speeds greater than 3 MPH.

How do you calculate wind chill?

To calculate wind chill use the equation:
Wind Chill = 35.84 + (.6215 x T) - (35.75 x V0.16) + (.4275 x T x V0.16)

Example: When the temperature (in Fahrenheit) is 26 degrees, wind speed is 12 mph, the effective wind chill is:

Wind Chill = 35.84 + (.6215 x 26) - (35.75 x 120.16) + (.4275 x 26 x 120.16)

Wind Chill = 15.24 Degrees Fahrenheit

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